Singapore, January 8 - 12, 2018

Second International Conference on Micropropulsion and CubeSats

Laurent Garrigues, Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d'énergie, Université Toulouse 3 - Paul Sabatier, France
Hybrid Modeling оf я Very Low Hall Power Hall Thruster -
Francesco Taccogna, CNR-Nanotec – P.Las.M.I. lab, Bari, Italy
Hall thruster virtual lab -
Hitoshi Kuninaka, Deputy Director General, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan
Microwave Discharge Ion Engines Cutting Into Deep Space -
Stephane Mazouffre, Director of research – CNRS, France
Miniature Hall thrusters for Microspacecraft Propulsion -
Wee Seng LIM, Executive Director, Satellite Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Route to Space -
Igal Kronhaus, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Israel
Demonstration of a Very Low Power Hall Thruster Operation -
Yongjie Ding, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Discharge Characteristics of No-Wall Hall Thruster -
Wonho Choe, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
Performance Enhancement in Low Power Annular and Cylindrical Hall Thrusters by Magnetic Field Tailoring -
Bradley Camburn and Adam Gilmour, CEO, Gilmour Space Technologies, Australia
Deep Space Applications of Hybrid Propulsion Engines -
Dan Lev, Rafael – Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. Haifa, Israel
The Expansion of Electric Propulsion in the Years 1993-2017 -
Igor Levchenko, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore / Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Progress and Perspectives of Space Electric Propulsion Systems: Smart Nano and Metamaterials -
Zhang Xiaomin, China Spacesat Co., Ltd.
David Krejci, ENPULSION, Austria
High specific impulse electric propulsion for Small- and Nanosatellites -
Hajime Sakakita, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
Characteristic measurements of a focused high-current-density low-energy ion beam -
Alexandre Nomine, Institut Jean Lamour - CNRS - Univ. Lorraine, France
Plasma-in-liquids processes: perspectives for electric propulsion and related materials -
Ning Zhongxi, Harbin Institute of Technology
Ren Weijia, Spacety Co., Ltd.
From China to World, the Commercial CubeSats roadmap for Spacety -
Shunjiro Shinohara, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Development of High-Density, Helicon Electrodeless Thruster – Neutrals Effect -
Mario Merino Martinez, Eduardo Ahedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Plasma Plume Measurement And Simulation -
Rod Boswell, The Australian National University, Australia
Francis Y. Thio, Hyperjet Fusion Cooperation, USA
Space Plasma Thrusters as Fusion Drivers -
Junxue REN, Beihang University
Design and Experiment of Low-power Hall Thrusters -
Yibai WANG, Beihang University
Research progress on MPD Thrusters in Beihang University -
Oleg Baranov, National Aerospace University, Ukraine
Technological Plasma Systems: Perspectives and Trends for Space Electric Propulsion -
Cao Yong, Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen Graduate School
The Micro-Cathode Arc Thruster for Cubesats -
Cai Jian, Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Hiroyuki Koizumi, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Duan Ping, Dalian Maritime University
The Influences of Segmented Electrode with High Biased Voltage on Plasma Discharge Characteristics of Hall Thruster -
Liu Xiangyang, Beijing Institute of Technology
Study on the Evolutionary Process of Characteristics of Plasma Properties in Pulsed Plasma Thruster -
Wang Xiaogang, Harbin Institute of Technology
Nie Qiuyue, Harbin Institute of Technology
Li Hong, Harbin Institute of Technology
Cosmo Casaregola, Propulsion Mechanical and Thermal Systems / Eutelsat, Paris, France
Yan Shen, Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology, P. R. China
Recent Progress on Micro Propulsion in BICE -
Jian W. Mark Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Multimodal Automated Robotic Data Acquisition Suite for Precision Diagnostics and Thrust Performance
Evaluation in Electric Propulsion Modules -
Chen Long, Dalian Maritime University
The Research Progress on Numerical Simulation of Wall Optimization and Magnetic Field Design in Hall Thruster -
Kateryna Bazaka, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Novel Materials for Light Propulsion: Advance for Solar Sails -
Kostya Ostrikov, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
The wind of change: plasma and nanotech for space materials and propulsion -
Shuyan Xu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Space Electric Propulsion Activities in Singapore: Recent Progress -
Liu Yue, Dalian University of Technology
Numerical Study On Effect Of Background Magnetic Field On The Plasma Current In An Ion Thruster -
Wang Youmei, Hangzhou Dianzi University
Computatinal Study of Miniture Hall Effect Thruster -
Zhang Guixin, Tsinghua University, China
Guo Ning, Lanzhou Institute of Physics
An Overview of Micro-Electric Propulsion Activities at LIP -
Feng Weiwei, Lanzhou Institute of Physics
Shen Yan, Beijing Institute of Control Engineering
Recent Progress on Micro Propulsion in BICE -
Liu Lei, Beijing Institute of Control Engineering
Gen Jinyue, Beijing Institute of Control Engineering
Deng Weiwei, Southern University of Science and Technology
Multiplexed Electrospray for Space Propulsion -
Xu Ying, Chen Yaxiong, Hebei University; Vice President, ShenZhen Quanpu High Tech Co.,Ltd
20.5% Crystalline Silicon Solar cells by a Ceramic Roller inline Diffusion -
Li Tian Yi, Lanzhou Institute of Physics
Tang Haibin, Beihang University
Pulsed Plasma Thruster Performance Enhancement using an Asymmetrical Electrode -
Wang Haixing, Beihang University
PIC simulation of plasma flow in magnetic nozzle -
Liu Xiangyang, Beijing Institute of Technology
Study on the evolutionary process of characteristics of plasma properties in pulsed plasma thruster -
Wu Zhiwen, Beijing Institute of Technology
Xie Kan, Beijing Institute of Technology
Study of 3D Printing-Grid Ion Thruster Source -
William Yeong Liang Ling, Beijing Institute of Technology
Non-Volatile Liquid Perfluoropolyether Propellant in a Pulsed Plasma Thruster -
Jinyue Geng, Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, China
The preliminary research on the micro-cathode arc thruster -
Yuya Oshio, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
RF Antenna Position Effect on Thrust Performance of RF Plasma Thruster with Nonuniform Magnetic Field
Invited Speakers 2018